Downtown Orlando - Church Street with Jeni and Justin

Saturday, September 29th, was a great day with Jeni and Justin. I started out with Jeni at her home in Clermont. After we met the guys at St.Luke's Methodist on Apopka-Vineland Road for a beautiful ceremony. The reception which is seen here(other than the overhead shot of Jeni at her home) was at Church Street Station in downtown Orlando. We had to go out and play with the train and the tracks a bit to make some memories together. Also included are some reception photos with some background mood type lighting using the second light. Fun stuff. The silhouette photo on the dance floor with a light showing through the chandelier was taken by my good friend and 2nd shooter that evening, Jesse Clements...nice stuff Jesse, very creative. The 5th image again shows how a second light can make your table shots pop! No way to get this detail and 3-D effect with just on camera flash. Every image posted in this section used a second light somewhere in the photo. Tryout the second light if you haven't done so yet. If you want to learn more about it go to a Kevin Keelan K2 on the go lighting workshop for a killer seminar on 2nd lighting.


Anonymous said...

So nice w/ that second light Scott. Love the b/w of Jeni! Thanks for giving me a shout. Looking forward to this weekend too my friend.

Kevin Keelan said...

Thank you Scott for the kind words.
The whole idea of using a 2nd light is to use it as a tool to reach further into your level of creativity. With the use of off camera flash you can create moods that are expressive of the way they felt in that moment. Creating a visual to that memory as you did is simply magic.
I love what your doing kid.

Scott David Waisanen said...

Jesse and Kev, thanks for the comments. I enjoy shooting with both of you and keep those images going. Let's take the photography to the next level every time we go out to shoot.